Sunday, May 22, 2011


I've been thinking about friends recently.  Since I've moved to a new city where I don't know anyone, I've been thinking about how to meet new friends.  So how do you meet new people?  I mean think about it.  The friends you've known are the people you went to school with, met in the neighborhood riding bikes, or through work.  So how do you meet people after you've graduated school?  My problem is  that I'm still working on getting in job, and sometimes you hate the people you work with.  I can't take any fun classes until I get a J-O-B to pay for them, and so on and so forth.  Do you see the vicious cycle I am living in? :)

Maybe I should just start walking up to girls and passing them a notes saying, "Do you want to be my friend?  Check Yes or No."  Eh?

So I'm the first to admit I'm not a "girlfriend person."  I do like the girly stuff: the guilty pleasures of trashy tv shows, drinks, mani/pedis, etc.  However, my personality is definitely more along the lines of how a guys is.  Consider me the "Elaine" of the group.  I'm not uptight, I make raunchy jokes, enjoy sports, and even participate in the occasional extra poticular activities.  Problem is, my guy friends have all gone their separate ways and we've slowly lost touch.  I guess that our friendships were never that solid to begin with, huh?  Or as my boyfriend says they were just friends with me because they wanted to sleep with me.  And the girlfriends I've had, pretty much lost all of them.  It's ridiculous!  I'm ridiculous...I know it!  I don't know if I'm too picky with the girls I hang out with,  if I've intentionally sabotaged them or my abrasiveness turns them away.  Whatever the reason, I'm really trying to hang on to the one's I have.  But now, that's getting harder because distance is the ultimate killer of most decent relationships.

So how does one right the wrongs?  I have reached out to my last ex-best friend.  We left our relationship on bad terms because I was tired of it.  I felt that she was constantly competing with me, she was always trying to one-up me and I was done.  Is that toxic or just me being petty?  Guys can always be friends with the ahole, the jerk, the annoying one, the freak or the loser.  So what's wrong with me?


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