Monday, June 13, 2011

Why are Men Idiots?

I don't get it!  It's not just one or two of them that don't listen that give them all a bad's ALL of them!  And not only do they not listen, they don't communicate EITHER!!!

I've been dealing with a particular situation here at home with my partner.  I told him on Friday he had to do something this past weekend.  On Saturday...NOTHING!  On Sunday...NADA!  I even gave him additional tools to get him started and still nothing.  It's not like I needed him to take the trash out or something mundane that I could do too.  I needed him to do something extremely important for me and he knew on Friday how much it meant to me.  What is the point even telling him anything?  What is the point of asking him to do anything?

I'm hurt.

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