Friday, May 13, 2011

So Not for Me

I repeat...I hate I hate I hate job searching!!!  I feel like I'm stuck.  My goal is to start graduate school in a year.  So right now, I'm just looking for a job.  But everything I can find is SO not what I want to be doing and beneath me.

At this point in my life, I had imaged myself working myself up the corporate ladder, with my amazing working clothes and adorable heels, sucking up to bosses, singing birthday songs and having casual Fridays.  Doing those things for several years since graduating college in the fields that I though was my path in life...turns out I was WRONG!!!  Working in an not for me.  The fields I thought were right for not for me.

Now, I've turned my life upside down and I am forced go get some crap job and paste on some ridiculous smile, listen to BS customer complaints and get paid absolutely NOTHING!  So what's a girl to do?

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