Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Past. Present. Future.

So recently, now that I have millions of minutes to spare, I've been back trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.  For some time now, I've been doing TONS of research on my passion and how to parlay that into a career.  So here's the update...

I majored in psychology because I didn't know what I wanted to do.  I figured that I could take something that I was interesting to me, that fascinated me, that could take me anywhere.  WRONG!!!  Man, what I so very, very wrong.  It gave me shitty jobs, zero pay and it turns out that the one graduate program I want to get into, Wildlife Conservation, specifically states on their website that psych majors are advised to NOT apply.  What bullshit, huh?

I feel like I've always had to do things the long or hard way.  Never the simplest way.  It just seems that so many others get things so easily and this was just another thing to reaffirm the fact that I can't get ONE break in life.  Now, I have to work on getting a second bachelor's so attempt to get into the graduate program.  That means more money, more time and more frustrations.

I hope it's all worth it...

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