Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lookin for the J-O-B

Uh, it's job hunting season for me.  What an awful thing to do.  I hate it.  I wish somehow that I could just close my eyes and I'm already like 6 months into it.  I mean, how awful it is to interview, interview, interview, then jump into an already developed family, trying desperately to fit in, learning how the new "politics" work, getting in trouble when you mess up.  I hate it!  I hate it!  I hate it!

In the meantime, I'm getting scammers left and right trying to get me to prequalify for this and that.  They're now texting!  What bastards.

The one thing I've always wanted  is to work for myself; own my own business.  I know myself and I'm too stubborn, defiant and spoiled to work for others.  Problem is the cha-chang cha-chang chang.  You need money to start a business, none of which I have.  So in the meantime, I'm stuck with my nose to the grindstone, working with the rest of the peons.

Wish me luck on the rest of my job hunting...

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