Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nothing in life is free

It's true.  There's no such thing as free rent.  No body knows how miserable I am because I can't talk about how I feel.  To me, it would be considered rude and biting the hand that feeds you.

Most would be in heaven right now.  Having the cleaning done for you, food on the table, etc. but not me!  I am an extremely independent person.  I hate it when I go into the bathroom and the trash has been taken out for me; when my dog gets fed for me; the dishes get put away that JUST TOOK OUT...I'm in my own personal hell!  Sounds crazy, right?

This internal battle has been going on for weeks now and every day I find another thing to gripe about.  So here are my list of griperies:

-The only vacuum in the house doesn't have a "place" or a "home" like a closet.  So where does it stay?  In their master bedroom.  Now, I was not raised to just go into people's rooms, so when I need the vacuum, I wait until I can find someone to go get it.  It's so f**king awkward for me!  I just hate being uncomfortable 24/7.
-His Mom doesn't cook.  Never.  Nothing.  However, the kitchen MUST be in pristine condition.  Why?  I have no idea but every time I cook dinner I feel eyes watching me and every drop of oil that MIGHT spill.  Now, I will say that I am a messy cook, but I always eat, then clean.  I feel here that I have to cook, clean, then eat.  If not, then my mess is cleaned up for me like a child who spilled then walks away.
-I can't even do laundry when I want!  This isn't anyone's fault.  The septic tank here is too small for the size of the house so we can only do one load per day.  It's just my frustration.
-My food get thrown out!  I paid for my own groceries and the other day I realized that some of my stuff was missing!  Found out for some reason or another that if I wanted my lettuce I could find it in the trash.  Fun!  It wasn't bad, so why I ask..WHY?
-They just walk it.  I don't remember if I mentioned it but we are put in a mother-in-law suite.  Like a said before, I was not raised to just walk into people's rooms but apparently they don't understand that concept.  They just walk it, we have zero locks (which will hopefully change in the very near future).  As for right now, I have a whole new respect for the "drop-in/pop-in!"
-Last one...promise!  I'm a vegetarian and every time his parents cook some kind of meat, his mom tells my boyfriend, "We made ____, but we know Sara won't eat it!"  Like they disapprove of my choices or something.  But Sara won't eat it!  But Sara won't eat it!  In this whiny, nasally, gut-wrenching tone.

No one ever told me this was going to be easy.  In fact, most people advised me against the very thought of moving in with the "in-laws."  And yes, some of these things are just me making a mountain out of a molehill.  But it's so hard when I feel so alone, even though I'm surrounded by people.  My dog had abandoned us for the rest of the dogs, my friends are all gone, and my relationship has never been so rocky and volatile.

Much to what you have read, I've never been a depressed person.  I've always been the fun and happy one.  Cracking jokes and doing a crazy happy dance was the old me.

Where is she?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Why are Men Idiots?

I don't get it!  It's not just one or two of them that don't listen that give them all a bad name...it's ALL of them!  And not only do they not listen, they don't communicate EITHER!!!

I've been dealing with a particular situation here at home with my partner.  I told him on Friday he had to do something this past weekend.  On Saturday...NOTHING!  On Sunday...NADA!  I even gave him additional tools to get him started and still nothing.  It's not like I needed him to take the trash out or something mundane that I could do too.  I needed him to do something extremely important for me and he knew on Friday how much it meant to me.  What is the point even telling him anything?  What is the point of asking him to do anything?

I'm hurt.